Tag Archives: Dolly Parton

Dolly Talks Biopic

Dolly Talks Biopic

Dolly Parton responds to what actress should play her in a biopicMORE

In Case You Missed It: Chapel Hart Gets the Golden Buzzer on America’s Got Talent

In Case You Missed It: Chapel Hart Gets the Golden Buzzer on America’s Got Talent

Chapel Hart appeared on America’s Got Talent and did what many who perform on the show hope for…they got the golden buzzer. As Danica Hart, Devynn Hart and Trea Swindle stepped on the stage and introduced themselves to judges Simon Cowell, Howie Mandell, Heidi Klum, and Sophie Vergara, Simon shared his love of American all…MORE

Dolly Parton Proves…Once Again…That She’s the Best Person in the World

Dolly Parton Proves…Once Again…That She’s the Best Person in the World

Let’s admit it…we don’t deserve Dolly Parton. Once again, Dolly proved that she’s the best person ever by making a million dollar donation to the Monroe Carell Jr Children’s hospital – part of the Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee. Dolly has been a long time supporter of the hospital, and this latest donation…MORE